Personalized Medicine
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August 11th, 2009 |
Personalized medicine is emerging as the single most-significant development in health care in the 21st century. It utilizes the recent sequencing of the human genome, advances in medical diagnostic technology that facilitate our ability to understand the uniqueness of each individual at the molecular level, and new development in bioinformatics. Personalized medicine promotes wellness, defines disease before it is clinically evident, and individualized prevention and treatment strategies for each person. This approach to health and disease management is revolutionary and will fundamentally change the practice of medicine. The Silicom’s August event will explore this new field, as well as what are the business opportunities that lie ahead. |
KPMG - 500 E. Middlefield Rd. Mountain View, CA |
5:00 - 6:00pm |
Poster Session / Buffet Dinner / Networking |
6:00 -6:40pm |
Company Presentations |
6:40 - 7:00pm |
Personalized Medicine 101 +
Established Companies in the Field
Dr. Michael Goldman |
7:00-7:15pm |
Break / Poster Session / Networking |
7:15-7:35pm |
The Key to Personalized Medicine, 3rd Generation Sequencing
Hugh Martin |
7:35 - 7:55pm |
Personalized Molecular Medicine: The turning point in fighting cancer. Dr. Amos Barzilay |
7:55 - 8:15pm |
New diagnostic approaches to tailoring treatment to specific
patients Dr. Joe Gray |
8:15 - 8:30pm |
Networking with the speakers |
Amos Barzilay, Ph.D., President and CEO CollabRx, Before taking the position of president and CEO of CollabRx Corp., Dr. Barzilay was a General Partner with Walden International, a global Venture Capital firm with over $2 billion under management. At Walden Dr. Barzilay led several investments in innovative software companies and served on their boards. Prior to joining Walden Dr. Barzilay was Vice President & General Manager, Content and Supplier Solutions in Commerce One. Dr. Barzilay joined Commerce One as part of Commerce One's acquisition of Mergent Systems in January 2000. Dr. Barzilay was a co-founder, chairman, and CEO of Mergent Systems, a business-to-business e-commerce infrastructure start-up. Prior to Mergent, Dr. Barzilay held a variety of senior management positions including General Manager of C*ATS Software, a leader in financial risk management applications, Director of Worldwide Industry Marketing at Informix, a leading RDBMS vendor and Co-CEO at Syntelligence Systems a pioneering company in commercializing AI technology. Prior to Syntelligence, Dr. Barzilay was an AI researcher at Xerox Parc. Dr. Barzilay has an engineering degree from the Technion in Israel and an M.B.A. and Ph.D. degree from the University of Pittsburgh. |
Michael A. Goldman, Ph.D., Professor and Chair,
Department of Biology, San Francisco State University, Dr. Goldman did his undergraduate work in Biology at the University of Rochester and obtained a Ph.D. in evolutionary biology at Purdue University in 1981. He completed fellowships in Medical Genetics at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston and at the University of Washington in Seattle. He joined the faculty at San Francisco State University in 1988, where he is now Professor and Chair of the Department of Biology. He teaches human genetics at the graduate level, general genetics for biology majors, developmental biology for Cell & Molecular Biology majors, and an interdisciplinary course on the ethical issues in science and technology. Dr. Goldman's research is in chromatin structure and the regulation of gene expression during mammalian development. Of special interest is the relationship between chromosome structural elements called nuclear matrix attachment regions (MARs) as boundaries of functional chromatin domains, studied through molecular methods and bioinformatics. He sees the public understanding of science as a key need if science and society are to thrive, and has talked about various issues like stem cell biology for TV and radio call-in audiences. He has written Op-Ed pieces for the Los Angeles Times, the Sacramento Bee, and the San Francisco Chronicle as well a professional papers appearing in Science and Nature Genetics. Thinking that the public learns much about science and bioethics from fiction, he reviews novels addressing various aspects of genetic science and its implications, in venues like Nature, Science, Nature Genetics and the San Francisco Chronicle.
Joe W. Gray, Ph.D. Associate Laboratory Director, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory , Dr. Gray is also Adjunct Professor of Laboratory Medicine at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) and program leader for the Breast Oncology Program at the UCSF Helen Diller Family Comprehensive Cancer Center. In addition, he is Principal Investigator of the NCI Bay Area Breast Cancer SPORE and an NCI Integrative Cancer Biology Program aimed at quantitative analysis of EGFR pathway signaling. Dr. Gray's expertise is in molecular analysis technology, identification of genomic aberrations that contribute to cancer pathophysiology and development of efficient strategies for enhanced marker guided cancer therapy –especially for breast and ovarian cancer. The Gray Laboratory explores mechanisms by which genomic, transcriptional and proteomic abnormalities occur in selected cancers, elucidates how these abnormalities contribute to cancer pathophysiology and assesses the ways in which these abnormalities influence responses to gene targeted therapies. Current studies focus on developing: (a) Genome wide analyses of the spectrum of recurrent abnormalities that influence cancer behavior. (b) Cancer systems biology approaches to elucidate mechanisms by which cancer-associated molecular abnormalities influence individual responses to therapeutic inhibitors (c) siRNA therapeutic approaches to treat breast or ovarian cancer subpopulations that do not respond well to current aggressive chemotherapeutic strategies (d) Strategies for early detection of metastasis-prone breast cancer. His work is described in more than 375 publications and in 50 US patents. |
Hugh Martin Chairman and CEO of Pacific Biosciences, Mr. Martin, joined Pacific Biosciences in May of 2004. Hugh has a 25 year track record managing leading edge technologies, new ventures and high growth businesses. Previously, he was the Chairman, President and CEO of ONI Systems, a company he founded and took public in the high speed optical telecommunications business. Prior to ONI, Hugh was President and Director of 3DO, an interactive gaming company. Earlier, he ran desktop engineering at Apple Computer. He was educated at Rutgers University. Pacific Biosciences (PacBio), headquartered in Menlo Park, CA, is a startup biotechnology company developing a transformative single-molecule, real-time (SMRT™) DNA sequencing platform. PacBio’s goal is to commercialize SMRT™ DNA sequencing technology, eventually enabling sequencing of individual genomes as part of routine medical care.
Already over a $2B market, the demand for DNA sequencing is anticipated to grow at a tremendous rate as technology capabilities increase and costs decrease. PacBio’s SMRT™ technology offers a completely new performance envelope - long reads, increased throughput, extremely fast cycle time, and low cost. These advantages are both high differentiating and critical for initial research applications as well as future diagnostics applications.
In order to achieve a major discontinuity in performance, PacBio has had to innovate across all aspects of the system as opposed to making incremental improvements focused only on one element, such as the chemistry. To develop this truly revolutionary technology, PacBio has built a highly cross-functional, interdisciplinary team comprised of top scientists and engineers in a broad range of fields from enzymology to optics engineering. |
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